Important Notice Regarding use of USB Storage Media for AccuFit Data Storage

During these unprecedented times and interruptions to the supply chain we have become aware that many USB sticks which are mass produced in China have been shipped with mislabeled specs and some have produced unstable data storage outcomes in our unit.  We will continue to monitor this but at this time it is our recommendation that you DO NOT use the USB FLASH DRIVE for data collection and storage. If data retention is critically important to you, we recommend that Fit Tests be conducted with the AccuFIT 9000® connected directly to your computer.

When stability to this market returns, and we are confident in the integrity of the USB Flash drive production we will advise of a product that is suitable for use with the AccuFIT 9000.  Remember, using Wifi and USB to a Laptop/Tablet is also a great solution for data storage.

USB Storage Media for AccuFit FIt Testing Data Storage